
19 June 2023
4th Transnational Partners’ Meeting in Virginia, Ireland

The Dragging project, which we are implementing as part of the Erasmus+ program, is gaining momentum. From the conceptual and research phase, we move on to the implementation of pilot activities. The project partnership meeting in Virginia, a charming town in Ireland where one of The Rural Hub partners is based, was a great opportunity to make further arrangements.

As part of the project, we will:

  • implement a mentoring program for eight business ideas in the field of social economy
  • conduct training and mentoring for future entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs. After the holidays, we will start recruitment, so we will come back to you with an invitation;

A platform is also being created, which will be a base of ideas and a workspace for mentors and mentees, i.e. people who want to be entrepreneurs.

We hope that this form of popularizing the social economy will contribute not only to increasing the interest of future entrepreneurs, but also of public administration. The element of strengthening cooperation between social economy entities and local governments is the main objective of the Dragging project.