Meet the Consortium!
Feel free to contact us to cooperate within the project results development, trainings and generation of business ideas for the 3rd sector.

We advise companies on the management of their R&D&I financing, through the design and implementation of actions aimed at boosting their technological and economic development. These actions focused on the integral treatment of R&D&I tax incentives and the management of calls for public grants and subsidies, resulting in an improvement of the companies’ profit and loss accounts.
Our eagerness to achieve excellence in all our services has led us to assume the leadership of the sector, both at the national and European levels, thus promoting an ambitious internationalization plan with a clear objective: to help our clients in the generation of value.
Luis Jiménez Mata, Consultant
+34 900 264 044,

PCG Polska is an integral part of Public Consulting Group, a global firm specializing in professional services and project management for institutions and companies operating in the public sector. Founded in 1986 in Boston, PCG launched its operations in Poland in 2009. PCG has vast experience within 4 sectors: K-12, higher education, health, and social care. The recipients of PCG services in Poland include over 3,500 schools, 60 universities and numerous Government Agencies and Local Government Units, through their hospitals, long‑term care centers or social policy agencies. PCG leads an Innovation Generator grant distribution project for social innovations supporting ageing societies.
Ewa Rogalska, Head of Health and Human Services Department
+48 42 2908 221,

The Rural Hub was set up as an association by a group of education, training and rural development professionals as a response to the impact of the economic crisis on small rural villages and towns in Ireland. Since it was first established in 2012, The Rural Hub has been providing a wide range of training and capacity development programmes to local residents and community groups. We specialise in the area of community development and have developed a number of local initiatives to support the social inclusion of disadvantaged rural youth, migrant communities and isolated older residents. We work with these groups, using creative approaches and the testing of digital media resources to support greater social cohesion among local communities in County Cavan. We have a developed network of county-wide stakeholders who support our work on a thematic basis. Through our community-based office, we deliver informal adult and youth education programmes through our Social Mornings and Educational Afternoons programmes; and through our ‘youth into digital media’ programmes we run in our Digital Media Zone (DMZ) in Virginia, Cavan.
For more information, contact us through our website:
Facebook: @RuralHubVirginia

“Con Valores” association (ACV) is a non-profit organization working for work reintegration & social economy. The association was born out of the experience of one of its founders, Melquiades Lozano, who worked for 20 years as a high-level business man in Spanish companies. At some point in his life, he realized that he wanted to help people at a disadvantage and he started volunteering, accompanying homeless people in the streets. During a decade of volunteering, he observed that the world of business was completely disconnected from societal issues. He then decided to take the matter into his own hands: he transformed his professional career as a business developer to
become the manager of a professionalized and business-oriented organization: Asociación Con Valores.
We are creating bridges between the business & social spheres in order to implement an inclusive approach that supports entrepreneurship for people at risk of exclusion. ACV is formed by business professionals who share their know-how in order to create a fairer society. Our mission is to use our business experiences and contacts to support new companies developed by socially excluded groups. Our business vision is crucial and fundamental to match with social organization’s needs. It allows us to identify, to generate and to boost work opportunities.
We develop tools and methodologies that support entrepreneurship among people at risk of exclusion in different contexts. In that sense, we created in 2019 an inclusive incubation model involving different business profiles: entrepreneurs, business associations, universities, technology centres, public institutions, etc. All these professionals are volunteering and bringing professional and specialized support in small businesses creation. The enterprises will then be managed by
excluded people with the support of a network of high level professionals from the business sector.
Since October 2019 we have supported more than 100 new entrepreneurs with fewer opportunities and 34 new business models have been designed with the support of a community of 120 professionals. Our supportive approach is mainly based on agile and practical methodologies (Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Canvas Business model…). Our volunteers’ intervention is organized between training courses, mentoring, coaching, evaluation and feedback committees…
From 2020 we are upgrading our incubation model according COVID19 conditions and restrictions. We believe that those adaptations will allow us to define a resilient model for small businesses incubation supported by new technologies.
Eva Zamora, European Projects and Financial Manager

RDA BSC SMEs (Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for Small and Medium-sizes Enterprises) is 25 years your partner in the fields of:
- regional development
- improvement of the economic environment
- creating a local mechanisms for development and support of the businesses (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises), government and administration (at national, regional, municipal and local level) and NGOs sectors.
RDA BSC SMEs – Plovdiv is an active participant in the process of creating the regional economic development and innovation policies, social entrepreneurship, green infrastructure and energy efficiency, vocational education and development of labour market, historical and cultural heritage and tourism, in the development of regional and municipal development plans and strategies, regional innovation strategies, communication strategies and others. Participation in regional, district and municipal development councils, councils for cooperation and tripartite councils at regional, district and municipal levels, in national and international networks.
RDA BSC SMEs – Plovdiv was established in 1996 as a non-governmental, non-profit organization, and is registered in Bulgaria under the new Act for non-profit organizations with socially useful activities.
Founders and members of RDA BSC SMEs – Plovdiv are municipalities, associations of employers, universities, enterprises and physical persons such as:
- Municipality of Plovdiv
- Municipality of Plovdiv – Central Region
- Municipality of Karlovo
- Municipality of Kaloyanovo
- Municipality of Parvomai
- Municipality of Rodopi
- Industrial Association – Plovdiv
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Plovdiv
- University of Food Technologies –Plovdiv
- Plovdiv University
- Technical University –Sofia– Branch Plovdiv
- Medical University – Plovdiv
- University of Security and Economics – Plovdiv
- University of Agribusiness and Rural Development – Plovdiv
- Agricultural University – Plovdiv
- and etc.
RDA BSC SMEs – Plovdiv is a member of :
- BARDA (Bulgarian Association of Regional Development Agencies and Business Centres)
- ENGINE (European Network for Green Infrastructure Knowledge and Experience)
- and it is a part of European networks as – EVTA (European Vocational Training Association), EURANEC (about Plovdiv region)
Velizar Petrov,